Monday 29 April 2013

Genius Hour in Grade One and Two

I have really enjoyed hearing about Genius Hour and was thinking about how to implement it in a primary classroom when I realized, with the help of Lora Sarchet, that we already do our own version of Genius Hour every time that we have Centres. The only thing that is missing is the students presenting their creations/learning to their classmates. After discussing this with my teaching partner, Lora, we decided to start making time for the students to share their work.

Centres is a great time for students to explore, create, plan, problem solve, and collaborate.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is a great idea! My kids are always asking if they can take a picture of the creations they make during our centres time. I always let them but never take it to the last step and let them share their work and explain their thinking behind what they have worked on! Now I will definitely make the time to do just that.
